Chicken with mushrooms

chicken with mushrooms - cooking with mushrooms

Ingredients: 250 grs. of mushrooms, a chicken, a small glass of olive oil, 100 grs. of cured ham, wheat flour, a lemon, white wine, garlic, parsley and salt.

Cooking instructions: Cut the chicken in halves, add salt, garlic and parsley. Sprinkle it with oil and bake it until it is properly cooked. Fry the ham and the chopped mushrooms with some garlic and parsley. Brown it and add a spoon of wheat flour, add the liquid obtained from baking the chicken, half a glass of white wine and some butter. Wait until the sauce is thick and pour it over the chicken.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Enjoy your meal!


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COOKING WITH MUSHROOMS is a blog with simple recipes with mushrooms. Most of the dishes presented here belong to the Spanish cuisine.